Wilson’s Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA) was formed in 2012 to raise funds for the school and to encourage and develop our Wilson’s community through involvement in social events. The PFA works in conjunction with the Head. The PFA is a fun way to meet other parents and get involved with the Wilson’s community. The PFA welcomes any help you are able to offer to make a tangible difference to Wilson’s and your boys.
Trustees of Wilson’s PFA:
Nina Guha: Chair (Old Boys)
Deepak Chinnam: Vice Chair (Old Boy)
Tina Savjani: Treasurer (10G)
Laura Hannan: Secretary & Cake Sales Co-ordinator (11S)
Pui Tam: Compliance Lead (Old Boys)
Anita Ofokansi: (12H & Old Boy)
Committee Members of Wilson’s PFA:
Girija Muninarayanan: (10C)
Priya Clement: (8D)
Remya Devdutt: (9D)
Riyezuddin Syed: Badminton Tournament Co-ordinator (10B & 13B)
Ruth Herity: (13G)
Associate Members of Wilson’s PFA:
Ankita Mehrotra: Social Media Coordinator (7H)
Bambina Gonsalves: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Gopi Manthry: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Jezima Zahir: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Jitendra Yadlapalli: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Meenakshi Labroo: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Nana Gyan: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Neil Howlin: IT Support (11S)
Pankaj Jain: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Tom Vaz: IT Lead (Old Boys)
Varsha Brajesh: (Old Boy)
Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy: (11C)
Yogita Nagara: Ex-PFA Member (Old Boy)
Volunteer roles, expectations & required time commitment:
Trustees: Trustees are Volunteers who lead a charity and direct how it is managed and run. They also share the ultimate legal responsibility for governing a charity and have overall control to ensure it’s doing what it was set up to do. Expectations: Willing to undergo enhanced security checks and become bank signatories. Able to attend six regular meetings (i.e. AGM x 1, PFA meetings with Mr Cole x 3, and Fundraising brainstorming meeting x 1) plus other important meetings, as required. Willing and able to attend all PFA Team events regularly. Able to inspire and lead the rest of the PFA Team by being an excellent role model. Required time commitment: 3-4 days a month.
Committee Members: Committee Members are Volunteers who support and collaborate with Trustees to implement the objectives and fundraising strategies of a charity. They play an active and vital role in ensuring that all Trustees are accountable and follow good charity governance. They lead (or co-lead) at least one PFA fundraising event each. Expectations: Willing to undergo an Enhanced DBS check for working with children. Able to attend six regular meetings (i.e. AGM x 1, PFA meetings with Mr Cole x 3 and Fundraising brainstorming meeting x 1) plus other important meetings, as required. Willing and able to make time for all PFA Team events regularly. Required time commitment: 2-3 days a month.
Associate Members: Associate Membership is currently offered by invitation only to key Volunteers who lead on essential operational tasks (e.g. IT support, Instagram etc.) or are ex-PFA Members and/or long-standing Volunteers – as a recognition of their ongoing contribution towards both Wilson’s PFA and Wilson’s School. Associate Members do not have to attend regular meetings. They can, if they want to, help as key Volunteers behind the scene (e.g. IT support, admin tasks etc.), or on an ad hoc basis (e.g. Cake Sales or the Badminton Tournament, etc.) as and when they can. Expectations: Willing to undergo an Enhanced DBS check for working with children. Able to help out on an occasional basis in person at events organised by the PFA Team. Required time commitment: Between 2 – 5 hours per event or on a need basis.
Events Volunteer: Events Volunteer are Wilsonian Parents who are willing to Volunteer at PFA run events on an ad hoc basis e.g. Cake Sales, Badminton etc. They may currently have boys at Wilson’s or might be ex-Parents whose sons have already left Wilson’s. They are not required to attend any meetings or commit to helping at every event. Expectations: Willing to undergo an Enhanced DBS check for working with children if the event requires it e.g. Badminton Tournament, Cake Sales, PFA Bar, Swimathon etc. Required time commitment: 3-8 hours per event or on a need basis.
Friends of PFA: Friends of the PFA are people who may or may not have a direct connection with the PFA. They are generous people who support our charity (i.e. Wilson’s PFA) financially through various forms of donations e.g. one-off or regular event donations, match-funding, charitable giving, give-as-you-earn (GAYE) donations etc. Friends of PFA are not Volunteers and, as such, no time commitment is expected. Expectations: Able to support the PFA Teams fundraising initiatives by donating money and giving consent for gift aid to be claimed, where applicable.
PFA Sponsors: PFA Sponsors are usually Wilsonian Parents or ex-Students who may be able to fund various items needed by the PFA Team for ongoing fundraising activities (e.g. water, trophies, drinks or refreshments for various events, stationery, insurance, DBS checks, Trustee & Team training days, marketing & publicity materials etc.) Items that need sponsoring could range from £10 – £2000. If you want to become a shining PFA Sponsor, please reach out to the PFA Team by using our ‘Contact us’ form.